
作者:臭氧哥 2017-06-30阅读:5448次





Dermatitis : Clean the affected parts and dried the skin with soft towel; Dip some Ozonated Oil with acotton swab; Apply Ozonated Oil evenly to the affected parts. Wrapping the affected parts with warmtowel 20 minutes is better for severe symptoms; Apply 2-4 times a day .


用清水清洗鼻腔,并用棉签清理干净;用棉签蘸取适量修正氧趣臭氧油;将棉签伸入鼻腔内壁,均匀涂抹; 鼻窦炎、鼻息肉和鼻甲肥大患者在鼻腔内壁涂抹完臭氧油后,建议用棉球堵塞鼻腔口半小时左右,效果更佳;一日2-4次。

Rhinitis : Flush out the nasal passages and clean up the nose with cotton swab; Dip some Ozonate Oilwith a cotton swab; patients with sinusitis, rhinopolyp or Turbinate hypertrophy should use a cotton ballto block the nasal cavity for 30 minutes. Apply 2-4 times a day.


用清水清洗痤疮患处,并用清洁的软毛巾擦干;用棉签蘸取适量修正氧趣臭氧油;用棉签轻点于患处,均匀涂抹周边,严重症状者需先挤出脓液,再均匀涂抹效果更佳; 一日2-4次。

Acne : Clean the affected parts and dried the skin with soft towel; Dip some Ozonated Oil with a cottonswab; Apply Ozonated Oil evenly to the affected parts. Squeeze out the pus in advance is better forsevere symp- toms; Apply 2-4 times a day.



Beriberi : Wash the feet with clean water. Cut the toenails if the beriberi spread to the toenails; Dip some Ozonated Oil with a cotton swab; Apply Ozonated Oil evenly to the affected parts with the cotton swab; Apply 2-4 times a day.


使用前先排便并清洗患处,再用软毛巾擦干; 用棉签蘸取适量修正氧趣臭氧油;用棉签均匀涂抹于患处,严重内痔者可用医用推送器装入臭氧油推至肛内(每次约3ml);一日2-4次。

Haemorrhoids : First bowel movement and wash the affected part, then dried the part with soft towel; Dip some Ozonated Oil with a cotton swab; medical injectors can be used for severe symptoms(apply 3ml every time); Apply Ozonated Oil evenly to the affected parts with the cotton swab; Apply 2-4 times a day.



Mosquito bite : Wipe the mosquito bite with wet towel; Dip some Ozonated Oil with a cotton swab; Apply Ozonated Oil evenly to the affected parts with the cotton swab. It can eliminate the pain severely patients(Bee sting, other poisonous insect bites)should keep using 3-5 days, Apply 2-4 times a day.



Onychomycosis: Cut off the front part of the nail; Wash the nail with clean water; Apply Ozonated Oil evenly to the affected parts; Wrapping the affected parts with warm towel for 20 minutes; Apply 2-4 times a day.



Bromhidrosis: Wash the oxter with clean water, then dried the part with soft towel; Dip some Ozonated Oil with a cotton swab; Apply 2-4 times a day.



Oral ulcer: Wash the mouth with clean water; Dip some Ozonated Oil with a cotton swab; Apply 2-4 times a day.



Psoriasis: Wash the affected part with clean water, then dried the part with soft towel; Dip some Ozonated Oil with a cotton swab; Apply 2-4 times a day.

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1. Scalp Hair Center

Dip 8-10 drops ozonated oil on scalp, wraping the hair with a bath cap for 30 minutes and then wash the hair with neutral shampoo. Apply 1 times a day and keep using one week until healed.



2. Deodorize the refrigerator

Dip 15-20 drops ozonated oil into a small container, and put the small container in refrigerator. Change every two months. It can help removing the refrigerator odor and inhibiting the bacteria.



3. Clothing sterilization

Dip some ozonated oil to the water when wash clothes can help killing Bacteria (hand wash/ machine wash 1-2 kg 5-8 drops; 3-5kg 10-15 drops ).